Brand Experience

Sis Partners With Third Sector Lab for Free Training

22 March, 2024

Title: Empowering Social Enterprises: SIS Collaborates with Third Sector Lab for Comprehensive Digital Training

In an era where digital prowess is increasingly synonymous with business success, Social Investment Scotland (SIS) has announced a groundbreaking collaboration with Third Sector Lab to bolster digital competencies within Scotland’s social enterprises. This initiative promises to equip organizations with necessary digital tools to enhance their service delivery and societal impact.

In a progressive bid to uplift the digital capabilities of Scotland’s social enterprises, SIS aligns with Third Sector Lab, offering SIS customers complimentary access to The Curve’s annual online training event for the entirety of 2024. This educational offering is a boon for those seeking to refine their digital communication strategies and broaden their organizational influence.

The Curve is structured to unfold through a sequence of live, interactive workshops, each 90-minutes in duration. These workshops are conducted by experienced digital experts from Third Sector Lab and are designed to impart a comprehensive understanding of the latest best practices and tools. Such insights are invaluable for enterprises aiming to elevate their presence in the digital realm.

Participating entities from the social sector will be empowered with knowledge spanning a multitude of subjects, including robust digital marketing strategies, insightful data analysis and analytics, engaging content creation, resilient cybersecurity, and overarching digital strategies. Such skills are not merely theoretical but are targeted at tangible enhancements in their digital operations and strategies.

Moreover, the benefits of this partnership extend well beyond the live sessions. Participants will gain unrestricted access to Third Sector Lab’s forthcoming online learning platform. This digital resource hub will be replete with a wealth of on-demand training materials and resources. Additionally, subscribers will also find themselves part of a vibrant online community. This community comprises practitioners diligently integrating digital tools and practices into their routine operations.

Kieran Daly, the head of market building at SIS, recognizes the daunting pace of digital evolution and its profound implications on workplace functionality. Daly acknowledges that while digital know-how is increasingly essential, social enterprises frequently encounter roadblocks when seeking to advance their digital abilities. Often, they may be at a loss on where to commence their digital journey.

“Addressing the digital skilling void is a pivotal step toward nurturing growth and enabling social enterprises to manage and navigate their operations more efficiently,” Daly comments. “Our alliance with Third Sector Lab is a conscious move to bridge this skills gap. We are dedicated to equipping our customers with the business-critical skills that will enhance their management capabilities and ultimately augment their scope to generate community impact.”

Ross McCulloch, director at Third Sector Lab, shares a similar enthusiasm for this collaboration, noting its potential to champion digital transformation across diverse social enterprises. By unifying efforts, McCulloch believes that there is a unique opportunity to instigate positive change and cultivate a resilient, digitally skilled third sector. Such a sector is envisioned as a cornerstone in a vibrant wellbeing economy.

Engaging with this partnership’s offerings could be a defining moment for social enterprises striving to navigate the intricate web of Gym Marketing or increase their efficacy in Advertising For Gyms. Understanding how to wield the power of Facebook Ads can translate into more effective Gym Lead Generation, essentially paving the way for More Gym Members and amplifying their market footprint.

In closing, the SIS partnership with Third Sector Lab is far more than just a training program. It’s an investment in future-proofing Scotland’s social enterprises. As digital fluency becomes increasingly imperative, initiatives like this ensure that organizations are not only prepared to meet the challenges of today but are also well-equipped for the opportunities of tomorrow.