Brand Experience

Unlocking Success for Small Businesses Through Remarketing Strategies

24 March, 2024

The power of remarketing as a growth strategy for small businesses cannot be overstated. By re-engaging with customers who have already shown interest in your brand, you can drive new sales and foster lasting relationships. This is particularly relevant in the world of gym marketing, where customer retention and loyalty are key to success.

When founders Lindsey and Courtney Glasser launched their clothing line Grey Bandit in 2017, they initially turned to influencer marketing to reach potential customers. However, they soon realized that the escalating costs of influencer marketing were not always reflected in sales. This led them to explore remarketing as a cost-effective alternative.

“Remarketing is incredibly beneficial because you’re targeting individuals who have already expressed an interest in your brand,” said Lindsey Glasser. “The investment required is significantly less than other strategies to see a return.” This sentiment was echoed by Joe Karasin, owner and chief marketing officer of Karasin PPC, who highlighted that many businesses are missing out on the potential gold mine of remarketing.

Karasin noted that customers typically need multiple interactions with a brand before they decide to make a purchase. “Businesses need to ensure they are consistently visible and gradually introduce themselves to potential customers,” he advised. By initially using more affordable channels for customer acquisition and then investing more in remarketing, businesses can achieve higher conversion rates.

The Glassers and Karasin shared some valuable insights into effective remarketing strategies for small businesses operating on a tight budget. One key point was the importance of targeting customers with high intent, such as those who have abandoned their shopping carts. However, for new brands, this audience might be too small to make a significant impact. Courtney Glasser suggested starting with audience and engagement targeting.

“When we first started using ads, I targeted people who visited our site. As our audience grew, I began to refine our targeting approach,” she shared. She suggested retargeting ads to those who have engaged with your posts or sent direct messages on platforms like Instagram.

Another cost-effective strategy is to explore less popular platforms that are frequented by your target audience. “We found that Pinterest delivered the highest ROI at the lowest cost,” Courtney Glasser revealed.

According to Karasin, not all customer interactions are equally impactful. Merely repeating the same brand message across the internet doesn’t necessarily deepen the customer relationship. “Consumers today are savvy about online marketing. Seeing a brand everywhere doesn’t mean they’ll trust it more; they may just think you’re wasting a lot of money,” he warned.

Instead, he suggested using remarketing to educate customers or build trust. For instance, he helped a real-estate client launch a remarketing campaign using YouTube and TikTok videos to showcase their successful property sales in the area. This strategy recaptured 19 clients over six months, resulting in an extra $400,000 in commissions for an investment of just $1,500.

The Glassers also emphasized the importance of showing new facets of your brand during remarketing. For example, if a customer abandons their cart, they don’t bombard them with ads for the same product. Instead, they introduce them to new seasonal products.

Lindsay Glasser advised: “If you’re planning to start running remarketing ads, experiment with different content and audiences to see what works best.” These ads can cost as little as $5 a day, and if something is working well, it’s worth investing a bit more.

To effectively track ad performance, Karasin recommended seeking assistance with setting up pixels and attribution tracking. “Don’t mess up the attribution setup. Otherwise, you’ll end up with inaccurate data, which could lead you to undervalue or overvalue your efforts,” he cautioned.

In conclusion, remarketing is a powerful tool for small businesses, including those in the gym marketing sector. By re-engaging with customers who have already shown interest in your brand, you can drive more gym members and enhance your advertising for gyms. With careful planning, targeted strategies, and effective tracking, remarketing can lead to impressive returns on investment and facilitate gym lead generation.