Brand Experience

5 Automated Online Marketing Systems to Explode Your Fitness Business In 2019

11 April, 2019

If you’re looking to scale your fitness business while retaining maximum profit in 2019, this may be the most important article you ever read. I, Riley, am revealing 5 cutting-edge secrets I’ve used to help 174 fitness businesses in 2018 add as many as 140 long-term high-ticket personal training clients to their business every 64 days

1.Facebook ads

Facebook ads are my favourite, so let’s start with them. The #1 reason Fitpro’s can’t get ads to work is they simply focus on their product and price too much.

Imagine a 35 year old mother scrolling her feed, constantly hit with offers of “2 free personal training sessions” and “7 day free pass”. After seeing these every day for 5 years it’s no wonder she never responds. But when she sees a group of women laughing together with big smiles on their face, titled “Free 7 day Mummy Mojo Program For [City] Residents!”, she’s intrigued!

Ultimately, it’s the same as a “free 7 day pass”, but positioned effectively to her. Forget your ‘Awesome membership at super cheap price’… Relate everything specifically to your client avatar’s core desires.

Women From Gym


Facebook ads with funnels are your ultimate scaling solution for 2019. The ad gets the click, the funnel grabs contact details & warms them up, the consultation seals the deal.

That Mum clicks your ad to see your landing page. Additional to the previous info, she is welcomed with transformation testimonials from other mums, further details, a personal welcome from you, and copy that paints a clear picture in her mind of exactly what her life will be like after you help her. Once she’s emotionally charged, there’s the call to action to enter her details.


It’s crucial to automate this (free using Mailchimp) and contact everyone 1-4 times per week. Build rapport, provide value, occasionally make an offer. Ensure you’re on top of mind when they finally decide to get help.

4.Content Marketing

People buy from people, not mysterious brands they don’t understand. To make content work; Chose a niche, position yourself as their hero, show up every day providing real value to solve that niche’s problems, and eventually they will reach out for paid help. You can expand your audience by engaging with others in local community Facebook groups. (I’ve seen 14 new clients come from one single post in a Facebook group!)

5.Social Virality

It’s much better if someone else sells you, for you. Create a ‘point system’ where clients earn points, and when they hit a certain number of points they win a prize.

Things clients could do to win points;

‘Check in’ to your business, post something about you/your business/your community, or post asking if any friends would like to join them for a free buddy session. Locals who see several friends posting about you will have no option but to check you out.

– Riley Stewart

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