Brand Experience
27 July, 2018
Let’s talk real quick about gaining leads for your fitness business.
You want more leads. Of course you do, you need them to live.
Yet it’s one of the most difficult things to obtain. But the truth is, it’s a system which can be repeated and applied everywhere over and over again.
Once you master its art, you will have no issue generating hot leads and growing your business.
Imagine you’re scrolling through Facebook… You see a viral meme, your friends new travel photo, an inspiration video, and then woah, what’s this!?
An image with a list of writing? “8 WEEK CHALLENGE” written across the top, and you think to yourself “Eh, I hate challenges & list is too long” so keep scrolling on to some kitten videos. (Don’t do it like this)
What just happened?
This is how you may be tempted to express your offer to the market, and many do. While better than nothing, it isn’t very efficient and can be disappointing.
Sadly, nobody cares about your business or what you do, as much as you do. So when trying to attract new clients/members for your fitness business (or any business) don’t make it about you and what you’re offering, make it about them.
What’s important to them? The results. The pain you will remove, and the joy you will bring to them. The problems you solve. Don’t focus on the vehicle to get them there, ‘The How’, but instead focus on the destination, ‘The What’.
So, back to scrolling through Facebook. This time instead of a list, you see a photo of a really fit man and women. You want to look like that so you stop. Who wouldn’t?
In the caption it says “Want to get super fit and sexy?” And you think ‘wow… read my mind’. So you continue “We are looking for just FOUR more women who want to get into the best shape of their life. Results guaranteed. Click to learn more”
Click. You’re taken to a page that says “READY TO GET SUPER FIT AND SEXY?”, ‘Yup, that’s what I’m here for’.
*Pro Tip: Make sure you keep the messaging the same everywhere… From the image, to your ad copy, to the page they are taken to. Don’t change anything because familiarity is key to keeping the prospect on board. Also, be sure to include how scarcity in the offer, like ‘Only Four’.
There’s no distractions on the new page at all. No menu at the top, no photo gallery, no list of options. Only a large title, a little more information on the DESTINATION, a brief overview of how they get there with your service/product, and a BIG BUTTON that says “Click to apply”.
Click. “Enter your details…” So you enter your name, email address and phone number. It doesn’t ask you for your postcode, no “Where did you hear about us”, and no home address required.
It’s important to keep the requested details at a minimum. The more you ask for, the less who give it. The goal is to create a conversation, which of course means you want a phone number.
Once you’ve got their details, call them instantly. Don’t wait until tomorrow, don’t even wait an hour. Call them in less than 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes their excitement is gone. After an hour they have completely forgotten about you, the fact they gave you contact details, and why they did it.
Your chance of closing the deal after more than an hour is less than 1/5 the chance compared to calling within 15 minutes, according to some studies.
So rather than closing maybe 1 in 3 leads, you now only close one in 15…. Which makes it a lot harder to become profitable.
So, key takeaways here:
1. Use eye-catching and relatable images
2. Short and sweet. No distractions, no huge chunks of intimidating text
3. Focus on the ‘What’ not the ‘How’. What do THEY most desire?
4. Keep messaging the same throughout their whole experience
5. Ask for as little details as possible (Ph No. etc)
6. Call them ASAP
Now, go grab those leads and sign on some new clients and members!